Modeling and Applications Group

Vision, Mission, Goals
Vision: The ModApp Group shall be a leading force in the performance and promotion of research on the use of mathematics in the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering and other disciplines.
Mission: As an academic group of the Institute of Mathematics, ModApp shall study mathematical models in the life and physical sciences, explore areas and create venues for the interdisciplinary use of mathematics in the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, and other disciplines, and offer courses and services in promotion thereof.
Goals: to study and do research on mathematical models in the life and physical sciences from which can be gained insights on trends, causes and effects, solvability, stability, and, whenever possible, predictability; to initiate research collaborations with the natural and social sciences, engineering, and other disciplines; to participate in the discussion of public concerns that may benefit from ModApp expertise.
ModApp is actively working on three research domains: (1) modeling biological systems; (2) chemical reaction network theory; and (3) applications of optimal control theory to biological models.